To educate students in the University of Hawaii about energy conservation we're creating a competition to encourage lower usage of electricity..
For the past two weeks my teammates and I have been working on video production for the Kukui Cup Energy Dorm Competition. Since we decided to work on a video about Energy Pong, a game designed to increase energy literacy and for fun, we needed to focus on the screenplay first. Here. This screenplay has since been refined from the one I drew up from week 9. John Mack has included a lot of details about how exactly the video proceed. Through discussions we agreed upon the time allotments for each segment and what goes into the explanations of Energy Pong.
A lot of what I learned through researching on this is about how to make a better video. Yes, watching videos on youtube is research. Putting a lot of attention on the subtleties in transitions and other techniques used in other videos is important. That makes it more pleasurable and rich to watch. Although I am currently in an software engineering project, I think the attention paid to the quality of this work is just as crucial.
Now that the milestone is coming up sooner than we'd like, shooting the video needs to be our main priority. As we polish the screenplay further, I think we'll definitely have to plan out the shoot and add that into our documentation as well. With the milestone coming up, we can't wait any longer. That is one of the challenges we face as a team. I don't have that much experience with shooting videos, but I think have good instincts about placing good shots and angles to produce good videos. We just need to give this some more thought.
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13 years ago