To educate students in the University of Hawaii about energy conservation we're creating a competition to encourage lower usage of electricity..
Thanks to the efforts of my teammates, we gathered a few friends to shoot as extras in our Energy Pong information video. We did it over the weekend. As part of the Kukui Cup Energy Dorm Competition, we are creating content that will help students during the competition and maybe teach them a little something which they can remember for a long while. The purpose of Energy Pong is to teach and reinforce facts and practices that we have introduced to the students about energy literacy.
The shoot itself was our main labor this week. We discussed over the details of the preparations. Equipment was borrowed from the UH CIS department and from Scott Wong one of the team members. And with the suggestions from Professor Johnson concerning copyright laws, we also printed out release forms to the actors in the video in order to keep everything legit. I myself am in the video and will probably be reminded of this years from now. yeah..
During the shooting of the video, we didn't really follow a regiment. Instead, our team followed the screenplay and focused on creating the scenes we needed. This was our biggest endeavor. It was actually quite an effort. Since most of us were new to this video making, we had to learn right away how to make this video better looking. It was pathetic. Even the lighting was bad until we took a makeshift lamp to improve the lighting. We learned a lot about the things that are necessary to create the scene. Moreover, getting one scene exactly right took us a better part of half an hour. One particular scene required that one of the ping pongs was spinning and then be dug out. Well since we're not exactly a Hollywood studio, someone had to spin it and create the illusion. I mention this because it was our most frustrating task and should be remembered for all time. Let it be known that the students of the content development team were very dedicated to this!
Even with the frustration, we had a lot of fun. It's just funny remembering all the laughs we had. This is probably a good example of the type of team work that helps to organize a group. A rough cut of the video is coming soon..
Meanwhile take a look at our