Here are the things I learned and were intriguing from PHP materials.
- ^ the symbol for either or. It's pretty underused, I find.
- $1 .= "string" concatenates "string" with the previous value of $1.
- Types of loops: while, do-while, for, foreach, continue, break
Here are some good videos on youtube.
I was trying to figure out how to use the CLI available after version PHP 4.3.0. Since I have an Ubuntu setup on my laptop, I'll just use that for my testing purposes. The one extra installation I need to run CLI commands is the php-cli package. It's pretty straight forward. After that all I have to do to run scripts is to type in "php /path/script.php" and it will run script.php.
I realize that this is not a lot of progress in a span of two weeks. I need to quicken the pace of my updates and stay focused on this.