Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 8: Our deliverable product is here.

To educate students in the University of Hawaii about energy conservation we're creating a competition to encourage lower usage of electricity..

As our design group continues to create mockups, we're also refining the ones we created to fit one look. Our second milestone is approaching as well, so we're making changes in order to create a packaged product that can show what we have done these past 8 weeks. Although all our timeline mockups may not be done we have made three distinct timeline mockups to show how the Kukui cup dorm energy competition will proceed.

During our discussion about uniformity, we discovered that there was a login in the mockups for 9/6/10. It was an error we didn't discover until now. Since the competition shouldn't ideally start until 10/4/10, we plan to make changes to that and other things to work toward the "one look."
Things I've changed in order to do that include:
  • changing the url ihe mockup to match the navigation
  • updating details to the 10/4/10 mockups that I had previously made for 10/11/10

At this point, the project has grown and it's quite impossible to upload every picture for our mockups, or even my own. Take a look at them in our project site.

This link will show you how our milestone process has been.

This link is for my own wiki page for my part in the design process. I am responsible for the energy data that a user sees in the dorm energy site. Since our material in the milestone2 wiki is quite a lot, I transfered all my information into another page to explain my progress there. I also left a link in the milestone2 wiki explaining that.

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