Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 13: Reshoots and a new Video.

To educate students in the University of Hawaii about energy conservation we're creating a competition to encourage lower usage of electricity..

As we are creating content for the competition, this milestone reflects how far we've come. This week our content development group did a re-shoot for our Energy Pong video after getting critique from our first draft.

This was our first attempt.

We quickly scheduled another filming day with volunteers. It was actually smoother than our previous shoot. This time we had some experience and knew what we needed to film. I was there just like last time doing the little things. I reminded the guys about lighting, made suggestions for how to show the scenario and also to use old footage rather than shoot again due to time constraints. I really wanted to keep some of the old footage from the first video because some of it was just classic. It couldn't be better.

The challenge this week was in critiquing ourselves. We had to reorganize the video and take the suggestions from our professor and making the changes. We had a discussion where we had to decided whether to re-shoot the entire video or to add more footage. This was a major decision, and helped me understand what it's like a in a project like this.

We decided to re-shoot the video and add some old footage that was good. We also wanted to add some footage of girls participating in the video. This was a challenge as well. It was really hard to find girls that were excited about video making.

This is the newest version we shot and uploaded.

Overall, I think I got some great experience from working as a team.

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